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About The Author


A word weaver born of Irish and Cherokee decent, Nubby Nine-Toes is a restless soul; an intrepid explorer of the unknown on hiatus from the highways and byways of harsh reality. Her world is made brighter by one opinionated parrot, a neurotic cat and an erratic dog, guardians of the hearth.


This enigmatic artist and su alma gemela eterna walk hand in hand within the mists of time beneath the Carolina moon. Although long departed from this world, Nubby’s Mother and Grandfather still whisper to her on the gentle twilight breeze.


Why they call her Nine-Toes; well, a funny thing happened...














Maggie is an eight-year old Labusky, descended from a long blood line of loyalty bound Black Labrador Retrievers on her mother’s side and powerful Huskies from America’s untamed wilderness on her father’s. Born on February the 2nd Maggie firmly believes that any anomalies in her personality are a direct result of entering this world in the shadow of the famous Phil and all blame should be lain solely on the groundhog. 


Being very family oriented, Maggie appreciates the simple things in life. A day spent in nature, digging up the garden that ‘Papi’ is trying to weed and harvest is almost as entertaining as rolling, Poncho-Fifi, the cat across the lawn like a frantic, angry little soccer ball. “Score!”


Interacting with the bird is always an exciting adventure. However, Maggie will be the first to admit that Eddie frightens her ever since an unfortunate incident over the attempted acquisition of a peanut led to Maggie having a slice bitten out of one ear. Never trust an evil mastermind disguised as an African Grey Congo parrot, no matter what they tell you.


Always fitness conscious, Maggie enjoys taking leisurely strolls with ‘Mom’, frequently getting overly excited about these walks. Despite the occasional event where ‘Mom’ is yanked from the porch and dragged through the yard and down the driveway, Maggie is still rather confident that she is a very good dog.   


About The Dog



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